Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions for services rendered by the Actions Sport & Travel Ltd. Headquartered at Světova 523/1, Praha 8, 180 00, registered at Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, file 131374, IČ: 28184840, DIČ:CZ28184840 (hereinafter referred to as „SAT“), follows the Civil Code and the Act no. 159/1999 Coll., on certain conditions of business activities in tourism.


Establishing the contractual relationship

These general conditions are an integral part of all contractual relationships between the „SAT“ and a customer (natural or legal person) in the Czech Republic and abroad.

For the purposes of these terms and conditions, customer means a client who sends an order form through the web portal www.sportactions.cz. If the client is provided with services in the field of tourism that are not considered as a trip, the contractual relationship is based upon these terms and conditions to the extent specified down to the article IX of these Terms and Conditions.

The contractual relationship between „SAT“ is being concluded by sending the order form. By concluding the form, customer agrees that he is familiar with the content of the general conditions and accepts all the terms and conditions.


Prices of Services

Prices of all services provided are always mentions in each of the „SAT“ offers. Unless it is stated otherwise, the prices are always quoted exclusive of VAT. Prices printed on actual tickets may vary from the price paid, which is due to the high cost of „sold-out-tickets“.


Terms of payment

Customer is obliged to pay for all services ordered at „SAT“ before using those, unless both parties agree otherwise in the contract. Customer is obligated to pay the deposit of 100 % of the price of ordered services while sending the order form..

In case the customer does not pay as he pledged, „SAT“has the right to unilaterally withdraw from the contract. In that case, customer will be refunded the price of services minus the severance payments in the form of a cancellation fee according to article VI. of these Terms and Conditions.


Rights and obligations of the customer

Customer has the right to:

Be provided with contracted services

By familiar with any changes in the scope and prices of services

Terminate the contract before commencing of services with the obligation to pay cancellation gee in accordance with article VI of these Terms and Conditions.

Require the information about the contractual relations from „SAT“

Claim defects in accordance with article VIII of these Terms and Conditions

Customer is especially obliged to:

Pay the „SAT“ the agreed price of services

Provide „SAT“ necessary cooperation for the purpose of realization of services

Follow the instructions and information provided by „SAT“ to comply with immigration, customs, health and other regulations of the visited country, as well as countries of transit; foreign nationals are required to inform on visa  necessity at the consulate of the countries where they travel, with knowledge that all costs incurred by failure to comply with this provision shall be borne by the customer

Submit the passenger list, if „SAT“ requires

Changes of offered and ordered services

Changes and deviations of individual services provided by „SAT“ form the agreed contents of the contract are permitted in necessary situations and „SAT“ is obliged to inform immediately the costumer  and propose a change to the contract. Customer has the right, within 2 days from offering the changes of the contract, to withdraw the contract. If the customer does not withdraw in the given period, is understood that he/she agrees with the changes.


Customer has the right do cancel the contract and refund the price paid for services or a backup service at no charge in the following cases:


When the „SAT“ cancels the service or change substantially of accommodation or transport means, and for substantial change is not a change of accommodation or eating at the same place of residency provided, if the category and agreed scope of services provided and furnishing, or services are provided in higher quality or category.


When the price of services ordered grows more than 15 %, mainly due to higher prices of services contracted, transport prices, fuel, airport charges and the similar.


While using the services of „SAT“, the company is entitled to perform operative changes to the services provided, if this is necessary for imperative reasons and it is not possible to make every effort to observe established service to provide pre-arranged services.


In this case, the „SAT“ is required to:

Provide replacement services in the scope and quality equal or approaching to the originally agreed terms or refund the participant with the paid price of  non-provided services, for which there was not provided substations service or to provide participants with reasonable discount, if  all the services were not provided according to conditions agreed in the contract


When changing because of „force majeure“ (e.g. bad weather, flood, earthquake, war), public authorities decisions or emergency situations (strike, traffic problems, misfortune, etc.) customer is not entitled to refund.


Any additional services beyond previously agreed scope, including services related to illness, injury or death of the participant during the trip (i.e. Treatment abroad, substitute transport, etc.) are services that „SAT“ can provide just on basis of additional orders and the subsequent payment of additionally requested services.

„SAT“ is not responsible for any delay of transport, such as aircraft, ships, buses etc. (e.g. For technical reasons, bad weather, congestion of air corridors etc.) and is not liable for damages in connection therewith. The customer himself needs to take care of these potential delays while planning the trip.


Cancellation fees

Cancellation fees are charged by “SAT” at every cancellation of the contract for the customers side for every person (unless otherwise provided for individual cases). Cancellation fees are part of supply and sales contracts submitted to the customer by the “SAT”.


For services offered as a part of sport events organized in the Czech Republic and abroad is strictly true that once ordered services are already irreversible and unchangeable! Thus in case of cancellation by the client at any time since purchasing the ordered service/ticket/flight ticket to the beginning of the service, the “SAT” will charge with 100 % cancellation fee.


Travel insurance

“SAT” encourages customers to arrange the optional insurance, which would expand the insurance coverage against other risks (accidents, trip cancellation, liability or damages, etc.) with the knowledge that “SAT” can contract the insurance on-demand according to current offer.


VIII. Complaint

“SAT” is responsible for proper and timely delivery of ordered and confirmed service. Provision of services by “SAT” to customers, responsibility to provide services and the right of liability for defects in the services provided shall be governed by the provisions of trade agreement, relevant provisions of the Civil Code, act number 159/1999 Coll. and the Consumer Protection Act.

If a customer complains about a defect of the service in the course of its delivery to the designated employee of “SAT”, e.g. guide, seasonal representative etc. (the guide), the guide can decide on the complaint immediately. If the complaint is not remedied immediately, the customer should assert its claim in whiting after his return, to the headquarters of “SAT”. If a customer does not send his complaint in 3 months after the end of the last ordered service, his right to complaint expires.

The customer is obliged, in writing of the complaint, to give all his personal information, number of his order, respectively business contracts, subject of the complaint and a request to the manner of its execution.

Customers acknowledges that “SAT” employee, who is responsible for handling the complaint, is obliged to solve it in 30 days since receipt of the complaint. In case of more complex claims, particularly when it´s necessary to see the view of third party or expressions from abroad,  the period can be prolonged by 60 days. In that case, the maximum time to process the complaint is 90 days. In case that the complaint is against the product by foreign supplier, the complaint notice period shall be governed by the period given by the supplier.

The customer is obligated to provide any assistance necessary to settle the claim, in particular, to provide information, submit documents proving the facts, submit documents etc.

Processing legitimate claims consists mainly of free remedy of the services or adding services, and if it is possible according to the character of the service, providing replacement services. If this is not possible, the “SAT” will provide reasonable discount from the price of defected service.


IX. Services that are not Trips

If the subject of the contract is to ensure only individual services in the field of tourism, e.g. plane tickets, accommodation, etc., there is no contractual relationship between the “SAT” and the client considered as the trip. This also applies if they the services are ordered by the client separately, not at the same time.

For contractual relations under this article shall apply only the provisions of article I, II, III, VI, X and XI of the Terms and Conditions, unless it is agreed otherwise between both parties. Other provisions of these Terms and Conditions do not apply for such contractual relationships.

In case of the conflict between the contract concluded with the client and these Term and Conditions, the provisions contained in the contract apply.


X. Consent on processing of the personal data

Customer agrees that his personal information, including date of birth mentioned in the contract, was worked by the “SAT” in accordance with the act no. 101/2000 Coll. This consent is valid until its written revocation. Transmitted data will be processed for the purpose of offering services provided or mediated by the “SAT” for business purposes and acquisition activity. The consent to data processing also applies to any other acquirer or processor of the data.

The personal information may be disclosed only to employees of “SAT” and those who are entitled to offer “SAT” services and to contractors of “SAT” who are involved in the provision of services (e.g. transport service, etc.)


XI. Final Provisions

All data and information about services, prices and travel conditions contained in the offers reflect the information known at the moment of its creation. Changes are reserved.

Validity of these Terms and Conditions shall apply to services provided by ”SAT” only if the mutual rights have not been determined otherwise in the contract.